

The purpose of the Drake Curriculum is to provide students with a meaningful liberal education. Drake students will gain the breadth of knowledge and 技能 necessary to successfully function in a complex and rapidly changing world. 威尼斯人网上娱乐课程 prepares students to live fulfilling lives and to contribute to their communities. 本页提供了威尼斯人网上娱乐课程及其要求的概述.

威尼斯人网上娱乐课程由三个部分组成:一年级研讨会, 一套调查领域要求和高级顶点. 学生必须完成这三门课程. 下面将描述每个组件.


All Drake students entering direct from high school or transferring fewer than 30 hours of college credit must complete a First Year Seminar during their first year of enrollment. 第一年研讨会 are student-centered learning experiences that involve critical thinking and both written and oral communication 技能. Through a topical focus, they foster understanding of methods of analysis and creativity. A student should normally take their First Year Seminar in the Fall term when seminars on a wide variety of topics are offered. 学生 transferring to Drake at mid-year and those who failed or dropped their Fall term First Year Seminar should enroll in the First Year Seminar available in the Spring term.


The 调查领域 requirements are designed to provide students with a solid introduction to a variety of intellectual fields and a diversity of learning experiences. 学生 are required to take one course in each Area of Inquiry listed below, with the exceptions of the Historical Foundations and Scientific Literacy areas where two courses each are required. 请注意,在科学素养区域, one course must fall under the Physical 科学 and the other course must fall under the Life and Behavioral 科学. 两门科学素养课程中的一门必须有1学分的实验. To view on the description and rationale for each Area of Inquiry, click here: 调查领域描述

学生 select courses for each Area of Inquiry from approved course lists. Selections should be made in consultation with the student's academic advisor. 除了特殊的例外, students and advisors must choose from the approved lists in fulfilling area requirements. 这条规则的例外包括荣誉课程, 自主学习课程, 专题课程和转学课程. 学生 may apply courses of these types to an appropriate Area of Inquiry requirement with the approval of their advisor. 这是强制性的, 然而, that courses falling into one of these four categories must centrally address the goals and expectations of the relevant Area of Inquiry (as specified in the Area description) before they can be approved as fulfilling the Area requirement. Note that 第一年研讨会 may not be counted toward Area of Inquiry requirements. 如欲查询各查询范畴的认可课程名单,请按此: 调查领域认可课程列表.

Note that no double counting of courses across 调查领域 is permitted. 换句话说, even if a given course is listed under more then one Area of Inquiry (as some are), 这门课只能算一次, 向它出现的一个区域移动, 但不能超过一个.


All students are required to take a course that achieves stated 股本 and 包容 learning outcomes. They can fulfill this by taking an existing AOI course that meets these outcomes, 或者通过他们专业的课程, 小, 或者浓度满足它们.


每个威尼斯人网上娱乐的学生都完成了一个高级顶点体验. Capstone Experiences allow each student to demonstrate the capacity to bring information, 技能, 以及对一个重大项目的想法. Capstone options available to the student are designed by individual major departments. 顶点可能有许多不同的形式, 包括研讨会, 实习, 一些实习课程, 现场工作, 独立研究和其他选择. 学生 who are earning double majors are required to meet the capstone requirement of each major. 同样的顶点可能会, 然而, satisfy requirements in more than one major with approval of both departments or programs.


作为调查领域要求的替代方案, students may fulfill the Drake Curriculum by completing the requirements of the 荣誉课程跟踪 listed below. 学生 may declare the 荣誉课程跟踪 by completing a form available through the Honors Program office. Forms may be obtained from Assistant Director of the Honors Program Charlene Skidmore (x2999; charlene.skidmore@onesourcehomeinspection.com)在Medbury 206/209. 完成的表格将与相应的院长办公室共享.

学生 pursuing the 荣誉课程跟踪 must still take a First Year Seminar and a Senior Capstone. Note that students who later decide to drop the 荣誉课程跟踪 must complete the 调查领域 requirements (Honors courses already taken may be counted toward appropriate 调查领域 with advisor approval). Please consult with your academic advisor before switching to the 荣誉课程跟踪.

Completion of the 荣誉课程跟踪 in the Drake Curriculum is not sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the Honors Program (leading to a designation of "University Honors" on a student's final transcript). 完成荣誉课程, students must complete the 荣誉课程跟踪 plus the following: successfully complete a Senior Honors Thesis and maintain an overall 3.2平均绩点.


  • One laboratory science course from AOI lists for either Physical or Life 科学.
  • AOI列表中的一门课程是定量素养.
  • AOI列表中的一门艺术素养课程.
  • HONR100:通往知识之路.
  • 额外15个荣誉学分.